Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Abusing and Killing Innocent People. Mirror Mirror on the Wall, What's Your Opinion on This Topic?

     Abusing is an act of misconducting power or authority given to certain people towards another kind of people. Usually, the abuser is someone who has the upper hand in a situation in which he or she decides to use the advantage to bully the targeted subject. Similar as abusing definition, bullying is an act of a person who is powerful in term of energy or back up from other sources in which he or she decides to do bad things to a weaker person for the sake of pleasure by using foul language (communication) or hitting (physical attack). The later bullying type could lead to injury or even death by the result of hitting or suicide act by the victim oneself.

     Some people think that bullying in school is common, as example a senior instruct a junior to do something for him or her and risk to be punished if the junior decide to act otherwise. However, we need to prevent this kind of abuse from school so that the person doing it will not repeating the act and as a result the way of his or her life walks around by abusing people to gain benefit as a habit.

The act of bullying and abusing should be handled
since school to avoid unwanted habit in the future
(Picture credit: wikipedia.com/bullying)

     I believe many of us aware of situation regarding Israel people and Palestine. The issue of Israel and Palestine started since Balfour Declaration in which stated that the need of Israel people to be relocated somewhere in a map after the holocaust tragedy during the World War ( Hitler's dictatorship in Germany led to  mass killing of Israeli in Europe). Thereafter, a series of land taken from Palestine people was happening from time to time until what's left for Palestinian is only areas highlighted as green in picture below.

Sad Truth about Palestinian and Israeli
(pictures credit: seventhought.blogspot.com)
     Do Palestinians retaliate against this kind of "abusing" act? Yes, they do. They has been fighting all this time to save their families, land, and country from Israeli people. The big difference between Palestinian and Israeli is Israel has a big power back up from important nations in the world, starting from the United Kingdom during the 20th centuries, and they also sought for the USA power to justify what they do to Palestinian. In contrast, Palestinian do have aids and supports from Muslim countries, but these are not enough without a proper power support as big as Israeli has.

     We often hear the stories about the issue of Israel people abusing the authority they have to life as a suppose "proper" neighbors but do people around the world really take this as humanity issues? Sadly, the mass media in western countries tend to siding towards Israel, citing that Palestine is a bad people because they are Muslims. We should open our eyes and treat this issue as humanity problem since the Palestinian people are not only lose their land, they are also denied assistance from other nations.

     Basically, Israeli was given authority to establish a country in Palestine land, but sadly they they act worse by denying access of charities from the outside for Palestine people. As example, the tragedy of Gaza flotilla raid referring to the death of nine activists in Turkish ship MV Mavi Marmara during a missionary to aid Palestinian as well as intention to break the Israeli-Egypt blockade of Gaza Strip.

A comic depicts the situation of Israel-Palestine
(picture credits: desertpeace.blogspot.com)

     The example of Israel-Palestine issue often taken lightly by people around the world because we think that this is a war between two religions and have nothing to do with some people who don't really have relation to the respective religions, but the humanity should be restored in order for us to live in peaceful way globally. The act of abusing other people, race, or countries' right to gain benefit is not morally accepted and we are suppose to fight against it.



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